Wednesday 11 April 2018


Simran is a vollyball player. She plays in here college and won many medals.

Kajal- Why do you like volleyball?
Simran- Because of the teamwork and its fun and you have a team that supports you all the time and being aroung girls  and helping them.

kajal- Is volleyball your favorite sport?
Simran-Yes because its fun and I get to hangout with of my best friends.

Kajal-What do I wear for volleyball?
Simran- That will depend on whether you play indoors or out, competitively, or for fun. Indoor volleyball practice calls for a t-shirt, athletic shorts, socks, court shoes, and knee pads. Your formal game gear will include a jersey, shorts, socks, shoes, and knee pads. Beach volleyball players wear swimsuits, sports bikinis, spandex tops and bottoms, full body suits, or shorts and tanks, depending on what their league allow.

Kajal-What are the health benefits of volleyball?
Simran-Volleyball is an aerobic activity that enhances teamwork and cooperation. Playing regular volleyball burns calories, strengthens the upper body, sharpens reflexes, and improves hand-eye coordination while building stamina and flexibility.

Kajal-who is your favorite player?
Simran-My favorite player is Matt anderson.

THANKYOU for giving your precious time.

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